Heavy Fran workout

Heavy Fran Crossfit Workout

Brief Overview of Heavy Fran

Heavy Fran is a CrossFit workout named after Fran, one of the most popular CrossFit workouts. It is a variation of the original Fran workout that includes heavier weights. Heavy Fran is not a workout that is used in competitions like the CrossFit Games, semifinals/regionals, or open. The workout involves a combination of weightlifting and bodyweight exercises, including thrusters and pull-ups. Heavy Fran is considered a high-intensity workout that is challenging and requires a high level of fitness. The benefits of Heavy Fran include improved strength, endurance, and cardiovascular health.

Heavy Fran: Workout Description

Heavy Fran is a timed workout that consists of three rounds of 15-12-9 reps the following exercises:

  • thrusters with a weight of 135 pounds for men and 95 pounds for women
  • weighted pull-ups with a weight of 45 pounds for men and 25 pounds for women

The workout is performed for time, and the clock stops when the athlete completes all three rounds.

Heavy Fran Variations and Scaling Options

Heavy Fran is a challenging workout that requires a high level of fitness. Not everyone who tries this workout will be able to do it as prescribed. Here are some common scaling options for those who need them:

  • Reduce the weight of the thrusters and pull-ups (like a normal Fran or even less)
  • Use a resistance band for the pull-ups
  • Reduce the number of reps per round
  • Increase the rest time between rounds

Scaling options are recommended for beginners or those who are new to CrossFit. It is essential to work with a trainer to determine the appropriate scaling options.

Tips and Strategies for Heavy Fran

Here are some tips and strategies for completing Heavy Fran efficiently and safely:

  • Pace yourself and avoid going too fast in the first round
  • Break up the thrusters and pull-ups into manageable sets
  • Use a weightlifting belt to support your back during the thrusters
  • Use a hook grip to improve your grip strength during the pull-ups
  • Take short breaks between sets to catch your breath

It is also recommended to warm up before starting the workout and cool down afterward to prevent injury.

Athlete Performance

The average time to complete Heavy Fran varies depending on the athlete’s fitness level. Here are some average times for different levels of athletes:

  • Beginner: 20-25 minutes
  • Intermediate: 15-20 minutes
  • Advanced: 10-15 minutes


Heavy Fran is a challenging CrossFit workout that requires a high level of fitness. It is a variation of the popular Fran workout that includes heavier weights. The workout involves a combination of weightlifting and bodyweight exercises and is performed for time. Scaling options are available for those who need them, and it is essential to work with a trainer to determine the appropriate scaling options. By following the tips and strategies provided, athletes can complete Heavy Fran efficiently and safely.