Overview of the Dragon Workout
The Dragon workout is a high-intensity CrossFit workout that involves a combination of functional movements performed at a high intensity level. The workout is named after the mythical creature, and it is designed to test an athlete’s strength, endurance, and mental toughness. The Dragon workout is not a standard CrossFit workout, but it has been used in CrossFit competitions, including the CrossFit Games.
Dragon Workout: Workout Description
- 50 calorie row
- 50 wall balls (20/14 lbs)
- 50 box jumps (24/20 in)
- 50 dumbbell snatches (50/35 lbs)
- 50 calorie row
The workout is timed, and the goal is to complete all the movements as quickly as possible. The recommended weights for the dumbbell snatches and wall balls are 50/35 lbs and 20/14 lbs, respectively.
Dragon Workout Variations and Scaling Options
- Reduce the number of repetitions for each movement.
- Use lighter weights for the dumbbell snatches and wall balls.
- Use a lower box for the box jumps.
- Substitute the rowing machine with another cardio machine, such as the assault bike or the ski erg.
Tips and Strategies for the Dragon Workout
- Pace yourself: The Dragon workout is a long and grueling workout, so it’s essential to pace yourself from the beginning.
- Break up the movements: Break up the movements into manageable sets to avoid burning out too quickly.
- Use proper form: Use proper form for each movement to avoid injury and maximize efficiency.
- Take breaks: Take short breaks between movements to catch your breath and recover.
- Warm-up and cool-down: Perform a proper warm-up and cool-down routine to prepare your body for the workout and prevent injury.
Athlete Performance in the Dragon Workout
- Beginner: 45-60 minutes
- Intermediate: 35-45 minutes
- Advanced: 25-35 minutes
The Dragon workout is a challenging and intense CrossFit workout that tests an athlete’s strength, endurance, and mental toughness. With proper scaling and pacing, athletes of all levels can complete the workout and reap the benefits of improved fitness and health.