Tia-Clair Toomey-Orr, the renowned CrossFit champion, has been granted a region exemption to compete in the upcoming North America East Semifinal. This exemption allows Toomey-Orr, originally from Oceania, to participate in the competition despite being officially listed in the North America East region on the CrossFit Games leaderboard.
Tia-Clair Toomey-Orr’s Journey
In the 2022 competitive season, Toomey-Orr made a return to Australia to compete at Torian Pro, the site of the Oceania Semifinal. Although she did not compete last year, she remained active by participating in the Open and registering in Oceania. The approval of her region exemption by CrossFit comes as no surprise, considering that she and her husband, Shane, relocated to the United States in 2018.
The couple initially moved to Cookeville, Tennessee, to train at CrossFit Mayhem, before shifting to Nashville in 2021. In Nashville, they established the PRVN Fitness team and recently opened the new PRVN HQ. With Tia now competing in North America East, her worldwide points will also transition with her, potentially affecting the number of qualifying spots available for Oceania women at the CrossFit Games.
Upcoming Competition
Toomey-Orr is set to compete at the Syndicate Crown, the venue for the North America East Semifinal scheduled from May 31 to June 2. Joining her at the competition will be esteemed athletes such as Emma Lawson, Danielle Brandon, Alexis Raptis, and Brooke Wells. Fans interested in attending the event can currently purchase tickets for the Syndicate Crown.
Additionally, Tia recently shared insights on her return to competition this season during an episode of the Coffee Pods & WODs podcast. Toomey-Orr’s dedication to her craft and passion for CrossFit continue to inspire athletes and fans worldwide, making her a standout figure in the competitive fitness community.