Joshua Wichtrup Profile Picture

Joshua Wichtrup

Joshua Wichtrup Age

[display_age_from_date birthdate="1992-05-28"]

Joshua Wichtrup Height

183 cm

Joshua Wichtrup Weight

86 kg

Joshua Wichtrup Country


Joshua Wichtrup Croosfit box

CrossFit Walleye

Joshua Wichtrup Instagram

Early Life and Background of Joshua Wichtrup

Before making his mark in the CrossFit world, Joshua Wichtrup was significantly involved in handball, which played a major role in his life. However, his professional career never veered towards handball as his training priorities shifted elsewhere. This pivot laid the foundation for his future in CrossFit, where he would go on to achieve remarkable success.

Joshua Wichtrup’s CrossFit Journey

Joshua Wichtrup’s CrossFit journey began in 2013, and by 2015, he had already made his way to the Regionals, marking his first step towards the CrossFit Games. Despite the challenges brought by the pandemic in 2020, which led to a worldwide shutdown of boxes and forced athletes to adapt, Wichtrup’s determination and ability to overcome obstacles remained undeterred. His journey is a testament to never stopping, regardless of success, and continuously striving for more.

Competitive Achievements of Joshua Wichtrup

Wichtrup has shown impressive performances throughout his CrossFit career. His notable achievements include qualifying for the Regionals in 2015 and 2018, and making it to the CrossFit Games in 2019, where he finished 18th, earning a payout of $12,000. He was also the German national champion, further establishing his prominence within the CrossFit community. His relentless pursuit of excellence is evident through his consistent participation and success in competitions, including a strong showing at the Norwegian CrossFit Championship.

Personal Life

Aside from being a dedicated athlete, Joshua Wichtrup is a family man and a business owner. He started his box at the age of 21 and has been successfully managing it while balancing family life. His ability to organize and keep teams together extends beyond the gym, showcasing his leadership skills in both personal and professional spheres. Wichtrup’s journey from an athlete to a coach and box owner illustrates his multifaceted life, where he excels in every role he takes on.

Joshua Wichtrup’s story is not just about his achievements in the CrossFit arena but also about his resilience, leadership, and commitment to his family and community. His journey inspires many within and outside the CrossFit world, proving that with determination and hard work, one can achieve greatness in multiple aspects of life.

Joshua Wichtrup benchmarks

Squat: 200 kg
Clean: 150 kg
Snatch: 120 kg
Deadlift: 210 kg
Fran: 153 s
Helen: 404 s
Sprint 400m: 54 s

Joshua Wichtrup stats

Open 202368899%169449Men
Individual Quarterfinals 202229595%7274Men
Open 2022142299%154815Men
CrossFit German Throwdown 20211261%31Men
Individual Quarterfinals 202112998%8011Men
Open 202112899%137461Men
Open 20208799%133874Men
Games 20191887%144Men
Open 20196999%195562Men
Europe 20181855%40Men
Open 201817199%227562Men
Open 201716699%214519Men
Open 201637799%178510Men
Meridian 20153219%40Men
Open 201529099%153272Men
Open 2014290696%80284Men

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