Emily Bridgers Profile Picture

Emily Bridgers

Emily Bridgers Age

[display_age_from_date birthdate="1987-06-15"]

Emily Bridgers Height

61 in

Emily Bridgers Weight

135 lb

Emily Bridgers Country

United States

Emily Bridgers Croosfit box

CrossFit Terminus

Emily Bridgers Instagram

Early Life and Background of Emily Bridgers

Emily Bridgers, a name synonymous with resilience and excellence in CrossFit, embarked on her athletic journey long before she became a CrossFit icon. Born and raised in Lilburn, Georgia, Emily’s athletic pursuits began with gymnastics, a discipline she was devoted to from the tender age of three. Her freshman year marked a significant milestone as she contributed to the Gymdogs’ undefeated season and their national championship victory. However, this victory came with a price. Emily faced a severe back injury that threatened to end not just her gymnastics career but also her ability to engage in any athletic competition. Despite the grim prognosis, Emily’s journey was far from over. After retiring from gymnastics, she found a new passion in CrossFit, transforming not only her career but her entire life.

CrossFit Journey of Emily Bridgers

Emily Bridgers discovered CrossFit in 2010, a pivotal moment that reignited her competitive spirit. Her entry into CrossFit was more than just a transition from gymnastics; it was a rebirth of her athletic career. With a strong foundation in gymnastics, Emily quickly excelled in CrossFit, utilizing her skills and determination to overcome challenges. Under the guidance of her coach and future fiancé, Ben Benson, Emily’s CrossFit journey flourished. She transformed her back pain into strength, marking the beginning of an illustrious CrossFit career that would see her competing at the highest levels.

Competitive Achievements of Emily Bridgers

Emily Bridgers’ competitive achievements in CrossFit are a testament to her hard work, dedication, and indomitable spirit. A four-time CrossFit Games veteran, Emily’s journey in the sport is marked by remarkable milestones, including a top-six finish at the 2014 CrossFit Games and consistent top finishes in regional competitions. Beyond the arena, Emily’s influence extends to her role as a coach and gym owner, where she continues to inspire and train aspiring athletes. Her transition from a gymnast facing the end of her athletic career to a celebrated CrossFit competitor and coach is a story of resilience, passion, and unwavering determination.

Personal Life of Emily Bridgers

Off the competitive floor, Emily Bridgers leads a life filled with love, commitment, and continuous growth. After retiring from gymnastics, Emily pursued a degree in exercise science from the University of Georgia, laying the groundwork for her future in fitness and coaching. Her personal and professional life took a significant turn when she met Ben Benson, her coach, business partner, and life partner. Together, they opened CrossFit Terminus in Atlanta, Georgia, creating a hub for fitness enthusiasts and athletes alike. Emily’s journey from a gymnast to a CrossFit champion and coach is not just about her athletic achievements but also her contributions to the CrossFit community and her enduring legacy in the sport.

Emily Bridgers benchmarks

Squat: 275 lb
Clean: 227 lb
Snatch: 185 lb
Deadlift: 335 lb
Grace: 79 s
Fight Gone Bad: 412 reps

Emily Bridgers stats

Age Group Quarterfinal 20233097%1239Women (35-39)
Open 20231499%24815Women (35-39)
Age Group Quarterfinals 202211289%1020Women (35-39)
Individual Quarterfinals 202263288%5279Women
Open 202247899%122177Women
Open 20212726074%108644Women
Open 201996699%146363Women
Games 2018392%40Women
Atlantic 2018295%40Women
Open 20181399%171976Women
Games 20171660%40Women
Atlantic 2017295%40Women
Open 20172499%159565Women
Games 20162927%40Women
Atlantic 2016197%39Women
Open 2016899%130154Women
Games 20152440%40Women
Atlantic 2015197%37Women
Open 2015499%108764Women
Games 2014686%43Women
South East 2014197%39Women
Open 2014999%52076Women
South East 2013587%40Women
Open 2013699%32643Women
South East 2012490%43Women
Open 2012499%14217Women
Open 20115598%4506Women

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