Chad Mackay Profile Picture

Chad Mackay

Chad Mackay Age

[display_age_from_date birthdate="1981-11-15"]

Chad Mackay Height

73 in

Chad Mackay Weight

235 lb

Chad Mackay Country


Chad Mackay Croosfit box

Chad Mackay Instagram

Early Life and Background of Chad Mackay

Chad Mackay’s journey into the world of sports began from an early age, heavily influenced by his athletic parents. His father, a player in the Australian Rugby League, and his mother, a high school fly champion, laid the foundation for Chad’s diverse sporting interests. Throughout high school, Chad engaged in baseball, tennis, and surfing, showcasing his versatile athletic capabilities. His introduction to weightlifting in his final high school year marked the beginning of a new chapter, eventually leading him to pursue a career as a training coach after completing his Bachelor’s Degree in Physical Education.

Chad Mackay’s CrossFit Journey

Chad Mackay’s CrossFit adventure commenced in 2008, introduced by his gym trainer. His first CrossFit workout, a challenging combination of pull-ups, air squats, and push-ups, immediately hooked him. Within a year, Chad was competing, marking his entry with a notable second place at Australia’s Regionals in 2010 and securing a spot at the CrossFit Games. Despite a setback due to a groin injury in 2011, Chad returned stronger, achieving impressive ranks in subsequent Games. His dedication and evolving skill set have made him a revered figure in the CrossFit community.

Competitive Achievements of Chad Mackay

Chad Mackay’s competitive spirit has seen him achieve remarkable success in CrossFit competitions worldwide. His journey includes notable placements at the CrossFit Games, with top finishes that underscore his prowess and determination. Mackay’s relentless training and strategic approach have also seen him excel in Regionals, securing first place in the Australia Regional in 2012 and a strong performance in the Pacific Regional in 2015. His ability to excel in a broad range of fitness challenges showcases his exceptional athletic talent.

Personal Life and Training Regime

Apart from his competitive achievements, Chad is passionate about coaching and remains an influential figure in the CrossFit community. Transitioning between competing and coaching, Chad has demonstrated his commitment to the sport and its athletes. His training regime is a testament to his dedication, incorporating a mix of strength workouts, gymnastic movements, conditioning, and Olympic weightlifting. Chad follows a high-protein, low-carb diet, emphasizing clean meats, vegetables, and a strict portion control to maintain his performance level and physique.

Chad Mackay’s Philosophy on Fitness and Coaching

Chad Mackay’s approach to fitness and coaching is rooted in his deep understanding of physical training and his personal experiences as an athlete. His coaching style is both passionate and strategic, aiming to bring out the best in each athlete he mentors. Whether coaching masters athletes or those just beginning their CrossFit journey, Chad’s focus on technique, endurance, and mental toughness exemplifies his holistic approach to fitness.

Chad Mackay benchmarks

Squat: 200 kg
Clean: 150 kg
Snatch: 135 kg
Deadlift: 240 kg
Fran: 145 s
Grace: 85 s
Helen: 420 s
Filthy 50: 1080 s
Sprint 400m: 60 s
Run 5k: 1200 s
Fight Gone Bad: 400 reps
Max Pull-ups: 60 reps

Chad Mackay stats

Open 20216129555%137461Men
Open 20182511888%227562Men
Open 20172667287%214519Men
Games 2015400%40Men
Pacific 2015392%40Men
Open 20156999%153272Men
Australia 20141665%47Men
Open 201413999%80284Men
Games 20131176%47Men
Australia 2013295%46Men
Open 201319099%52169Men
Games 2012980%46Men
Australia 2012198%53Men
Open 20128699%25027Men
Open 20117899%8620Men
Games 20101273%45Men

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